Snow days and Ice Castles

Boston winter 2014= so cold + stormy! If you don't currently live in the Northeast, you have probably still heard of all the snow storms we are getting.  Well, those aren't lies!  We've had like 4 or 5 severe snow storms so far this season and luckily this next week will be a little warmer and give us a little break.  One perk is that we have had a couple take-the-day-off snow days.  On one of them we took advantage of the wet Eastern snow to make the cutest snow-woman. (Wet snow=crappy skiing, but at least it's good for something). Here are some photos of her. If you are wondering why we made her a girl, it is not ONLY because of my pride in women, but also that   a pink scarf was the first one I saw that I was willing to leave outside for a few days to rough the weather.  That day was a 10 in. snow day, which is one of the worst ones of the season.  Following our masterpiece, we weathered the storm to make it to Tasty Burger to meet some friends from church. We had some good food and played a few games of pool.  Although it was fun, we are looking forward to a week without a snowstorm.

On a DIFFERENT stormy day, Feb. 13, we had our V-day date. Nate convinced me to move it one day to avoid big crowds and increased prices.  It ended up being perfect because with the storm, and it being the day before Valentines day, our fancy North End Italian restaurant, Terramia, was almost empty, and very romantic with only dim lighting and doting waiters.  It was phenomenal food from real italians. The North End is essentially Little Italy, and for those who have not come to visit us yet (ahemmm... like everyone) it is a must-see. We just went home afterward to avoid the snow, and our power was out, so we ate dessert in the dark, (which means the cut into picture of this cake has terrible lighting).  I made this red velvet raspberry cake from Sweetapolita as my contribution to the date.  Nate and I agreed it was one of my best cake creations. Totally not related except to food, I made this Buffalo Chicken Mac and Cheese, and it was amazing.

Besides just seeing the snow, a few weeks ago we went to the New England Aquarium, which is known as one of the best in the country, and we concur. We spent a long time admiring the freaking cute penguins.  They had little tiny blue penguins, and bigger ones too, diving and swimming through the water.  We also spent a lot of time with the turtle I named Big Frank, and later found out was a girl, and her name was Myrtle. We took about 1,000 pictures of her, but none of them are very good, so I will only force upon you a few of them. I also got to pet the sting rays and these small fish looking things that are apparently sharks. Overall, I fit in pretty well with all of the little kids there.

Since we had a pre-Valentines day date, we used Valentines day to babysit for our friends' with the cutest two little boys ever, a two year old and a 4 month old.  It was a good excuse to eat Mac and Cheese, and Nate got some good experience feeding the baby.
For the President's day weekend we had Monday off, and went up to New Hampshire to go see the ice castles.  These are manmade by pipes of water that they freeze.  There is one of these in Midway, UT too, (for those who are in Utah and a little jealous of how awesome this looks.) We timed it to see it in both the day and night time. We prepped ourselves for the experience by watching this video, made in the Midway ice castles. (This girl is 11!!)

Besides all these exciting things, our time is greatly taken up by our recent month's purchase of Netflix DVD's (mailed to the home) for the sole purpose of getting to see The Mindy Project season 1, and also to see the Newsroom Season 1, both are amazing and need to be seen by all. Oh yeah, and work and school and stuff :) (Those are actually very time consuming, but nothing new there, so I won't bore you.) Oh, and I also am only 2 workouts away from finishing one of the 30 day challenge things, this is the closest I've ever gotten to finishing one of those.  Although, I don't know if you can call it that if it takes you 40 days for the 30 day challenge.  Anyway, it is pretty fun for those reading it who enjoy at home workouts that are only 12 minutes each (don't be fooled, these are no joke).


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