The Grand Tetons and Acadia family trips

This summer we were able to spend one week near Teton National Park, in Victor, ID. We always love being there because of all of the great memories from my childhood and this was Elliott's first time. It is especially nice now that my uncle recently rebuilt the cabin there and it now has enough beds that we don't have to always use mattresses, fold out beds, and couches to have space for everyone.
Swim lessons with Grandma

We went to Jackson Hole, played games, took Elliott on a bike ride, went swimming, got a shake from Victor's Emporium, and went to a live music festival in town. And ALL of us (except the babies, whew) got violently ill for about 12 hrs each. At that point we were VERY grateful for the larger cabin with more than 1.5 bathrooms.
Elliott and cousin Abby
Enjoying a good portion of my shake
With Aunt Lala
Enjoying the music festival
Our last meal before the plague hit- The three little piglets mexican grill
Playing in Grandma's playroom
Homemade apple pie
At Jackson
Elliott loved seeing Grandma Baba (Barbara) and Papi (Grandpa), all his aunts and uncles, and getting to know his little cousin Abby and start on the bullying from a young age. We were also able to get some family photos taken on this trip for the first time in several years.
After returning to Boston for a while, we were also able to spend a week with Nathan's family in Acadia National Park. We went canoeing, had a nails night (which unfortunately resulted in access for Elliott to get said nail polish all over the rented house's carpet), went exploring, and exposed Elliott to lobster for the first time. He loved receiving lots of hugs, kisses, and attention from his cousins. They are awaiting a baby sister so they're practicing things like changing diapers, much to my delight! Even after thinking about it, and putting it by the door, the pack n play was forgotten in Boston, so Elliott ended up sleeping in the shower! We put pillows down and it actually was pretty comfy (Nate tested it out).
He didn't really take to the giant lobster holding ice cream
I painted a lot of nails that night
Grandpa's favorite name for Elliott is humpbelly whale :)

Our car tire had a flat on the way home and Elliott was very helpful with the tire change


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